activists need you!
The No to Bush Food Committee is desparately short of volunteers and
resources. Without significantly ramping up, we won't be able to feed
both visiting and local activists - and we all know what it can be like
protesting on an empty stomach.
To make sure we can be out at full force, on the cold streets of Ottawa
next week (snow is forecast for next Tuesday!), we need to increase our
numbers and get a lot of organizing done NOW.
If you can help with any of the following tasks, please send an email ASAP
Aylwin - aylwin (at) alumni.uwaterloo (dot) ca or
Shawn - digitalindependence (at) riseup (dot) net
So far, our committee
has 3 volunteers and we need all the help we can get!
Love and
The NTB Food crew.
Most Urgent Tasks:
- book location (Church, comm centre, etc) to cook food
- get donations
of (disposable) cups, plates, utensiles
- find spare coolers that can
hold cooked food or hot liquids
- coordinate donations/purchase of food
- coordinate transportion of
food between cooking site and various protest info sites
For Those Wishing
To Donate Food We Can use:
- - potatoes
- - rice
- - pasta
- - pita, breads, bagels
- - cookies
- - juice
- - assorted fruit
- - pop
- - tea
- - assorted spices
"Recall that whatever lofty things you might accomplish today, you
will do them only because you first ate something that grew out of dirt." --
Barbara Kingsolver