Hands off Syria
Demand that the Government of Canada withdraw its political support for bombing of Syria
Today, Saturday, 4 pm
US Embassy
Endorsed by Nowar-Paix, Solidarity Ottawa,
Syrian Arab Association of Ottawa, Ottawa Peace Council.
Down load the poster here.
Join Us to Protest CANSEC,
Canada's largest weapons bazaar
Click links for more information.
War Criminal Welcoming Walk
Tuesday, May 24, 5 pm to 7 pm (night before CANSEC starts)
Gather at the corner of Sussex and York.
Close the CANSEC Killer Weapons Bazaar: In the Name of the Children.
Wednesday, May 25, 7:30 am-1 pm, EY Centre
Say NO to the Saudi Arms Deal!
Thursday, May 26, 7:00 am-8:30 am.

Ottawa Rally and Picket
No to War
Canada Out of Iraq and Syria
Saturday, March 19 -- 1:00 pm
U.S. Embassy in Ottawa, York and Sussex
by a march to the Prime Minister's Office
Wellington between Metcalfe and Elgin
Join in Anti-War Actions Across Canada to Mark the 13th
Anniversary of the U.S. Invasion of Iraq and to Oppose Canada's
Involvement in Wars of Aggression!
March 19, 2016 is the 13th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of
Iraq which devastated the country and along with other actions of
the U.S. imperialists laid the foundation for the crisis that we
see in the region today.
The new Liberal government is drastically increasing Canada's
military presence in Iraq as well as placing troops in Lebanon and
Jordan. It is doubling Canada's "intelligence" assets in the
region. Meanwhile Canada is interfering in the peace process in
Syria through its support for groups advocating regime change, and
selling arms to Saudi Arabia to use in its war against the people
of Yemen.
Can't trust U.S. Intelligence
War is not the answer
Danger of expanded conflict
Call for end of repression
in Egypt!!
The Canadian Peace Alliance is calling on the government of Canada to
use all diplomatic channels at its disposal to call for an end to the
attacks on civilians, workers and political parties in Egypt.
Since the military took control of the government on July 3rd, there
has been widespread suspension of civil liberties for many Egyptians
and a wholesale killing of those protesting military rule.
See more
decision-makers in Washington and Tel Aviv are not threatened by
Iranian nuclear weapons. Rather they worry about Iran’s challenge to
their regional domination. And, like a good follower, Harper has
enthusiastically gone along with his friends’ war. By Yves Engler.
Read how Harper has gone to war against Iran.
NOWAR-PAIX condemns the murder of Muammar Gaddafi at
the hands of the so-called Libyan rebels. This immoral, illegal and
horrifying act is nothing but a planned and minutely executed political
Read the full statement here.
Resolve conflicts through peaceful, diplomatic means, not through interference and use of force!

NOWAR-PAIX unequivocally condemns the escalation of aggression by
NATO forces against Libya and the continuing occupation. Since March
2011, these forces have been carrying out brutal interference in Libya
and the entire North-African region under the pretext of opposing
brutal dictatorships. Once again, an oil-rich, wealthy nation is
being attacked and occupied under the pretext of a “humanitarian
Lire la déclaration ici en français.
ruling that Harkat's Security Certificate is reasonable will be
appealed. The judge has acknowledged that his judgement was based
solely on secret evidence.
Moe get his appeal. Sign the new statement of support for an open, fair
trial and no deportation to torture. We now have almost 2000 signatures.
STOP Secret Trials in Canada
Abolish Security Certificates
For more information: Justice for Harkat
Launch of Peoples' Investigation
into Police Abuses
- Toronto Community Mobilization Network -
Community groups are calling on the public to come forward with photos,
video, and eye witness accounts of police violence against civilians
during the G20 summits in Toronto. This evidence will be used to ensure
that there are consequences for all those who beat and injured people,
and for the masterminds who conspired to plan and give orders for the
widespread police violence and repression that was experienced by
thousands on the streets.
Further details can be found at: http://g20.torontomobilize.org/PeoplesInvestigation
Check out the nowar-paix banner at the G20!
Delist Now!
Six-Month Campaign to Free Abousfian Abdelrazik from the Prison Without Walls
Build the pressure! Break the Sanctions!
APRIL 28th
7-9 pm
Phone number 1-877-737-4070
Project Fly Home is organizing the first ever Sanctions-busting Telethon on Wednesday, April 28th, from 7to9pm.
The telethon is being organized to challenge the United Nations "1267"
sanctions regime and show solidarity with Abousfian Abdelrazik, who is
on the 1267 list.
During the telethon, we will invite people to call in to 1 877 737 4070
to pledge a donation to Abdelrazik. As you know, this regime imposes an
asset freeze on listed individuals; as it is implemented in Canada, it
is illegal for anyone to provide Abdelrazik with any funds or financial
support. Thus the telethon is an open call for people to defy this law,
as unconstitutional, unjust, and dangerous.
Rabble Tv has
tentatively agreed to live-broadcast the show (pending a check of
technical capacities), so you can probably tune in to watch the show
from across Canada and even internationally at www.rabble.ca.
We are hoping that you can support this initiative in the following two ways:
- agree in advance to call in. If you can do this, send us an email - we want to guarantee that there will be a decent number of calls!
- encourage people in your cities and regions to call in and donate in defiance of the sanctions. Download the poster and let people know by email.
Learn more about how you can help at Project Fly Home.
We sent
zucchinis to War Minister O'Connor one year ago because children were
starving in Afghanistan.
On September 5, 2006, the respected Senlis Council
released a report that stated children are starving in Afghanistan.
Foreign military expenditures in that country outpace development and
reconstruction spending by 900% .
Two years later, the crisis deepens, with no
action on starvation!
In an August, 2007 report, the Senlis Council
slams the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) for failing
to answer key questions about where and why aid that’s been
promised has not appeared on the ground in Afghanistan.
So now is the time to send a Zucchini to Canada's
New War Minister, Peter MacKay.
This campaign was initiated by Homes Not Bombs.
(2007, campaign ended)

The military has launched a new recruitment
campaign to sign up youth needed in Afghanistan. This campaign is
called Operation Connection. In General Hillier's words:
"...we're moving from a passive approach on recruiting where
essentially we sat around waiting for you to come to us to a more
active and aggressive one..."
To help young people withstand this pressure, ACT
for the Earth launched a counter-recruitment campaign called
Operation Objection. Check it
out and be sure to tell all concerned parents and young people you
know about the website.
(2006, archived)