Tuesday, March 15 , 7pm
123 Simard Hall
University of Ottawa
In Ottawa the recently formed Student Coalition Against War (SCAW) has
called for a large student presence during the international days of action
against the occupation of Iraq on March 19 and 20 ˆ the second anniversary
of the invasion of Iraq.
The Ottawa coalition of students have set out four key goals: to link-up
with student bodies across the Ottawa region; to build a large student presence
at the March 19 events in Ottawa; to promote and use mass participatory non-violent
civil disobedience; to use creative actions.
SCAW has already called for two specific student oriented events:
Wednesday March 16 - all schools (high-schools, colleges, universities,
CEGEPs, etc.) are encouraged to host interactive events in their school setting
to raise awareness and build for March 19. Some potential ideas could include
simulation military checkpoints, a video showing, a war crimes trial simulation
SCAW can provide schools with resources and ideas to organize events
Saturday March 19 - Prior to joining the 1pm city-wide rally and march
at Minto Park, students will be hosting their own event at 11am starting
at Morisset Library at the University of Ottawa. The event is being called
a “Student Occupation Against Military Occupation” and will involve
a creative 1 hour occupation of the Rideau and Sussex intersection.
We encourage all students, student unions, student clubs and societies, and
interested persons to participate in SCAW events.
For more information please contact
email SCAW
call 613-276-4999.
US Troops handcuff and search a boy in Iraq
Is this liberation?
End the Occupation of Iraq!
Troops Out Now!
The Canadian Peace Alliance asks cities across Canada to join the International
Days of Mass Action, March 19-21, 2005 against the Iraq occupation.
Against War/Ensemble Contre la Guerre (TAW/ECG) asks all Ottawa and
Hull area groups who are against the illegal and immoral war and occupation
in Iraq – peace groups, unions, faith groups, and NGOs – to
help mobilize for this important action. Please join in the effort.
March and Rally
Saturday, March 19, 2005 - 1pm
starting from
Minto Park
Corner of Elgin and Gilmour
March past
SNC Lavalin,
the British High Commission,
Department of National
to the US Embassy
THEMES: Is this liberation? End the occupation.
Troops out of Iraq. No Canadian complicity
Student Coalition Against War (SCAW)
Saturday March 19, 2005
Morriset Library, University of Ottawa
Activities of March 14-19
in sidebar ->)
For information
Christian Peacemaker Teams in Baghdad
Voices from Iraq: Living Under Occupation
Saturday March 19, 2005
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Jack Purcell Centre, 320 Jack Purcell Lane
Fundraiser - Sunday
March 20, 2005 - 8pm

with David Rovics
Rainbow Bistro - 76 Murray in the Byward Market
$10 at the door
$ 8 in advance ($5 student/unwaged)
Tickets available at
Octopus Books
OPIRG Ottawa U
OPIRG Carleton
David will also be playing at the rally against the occupation of
Iraq at 1pm on Saturday March 19
We need your help. Get involved!
Send an email to the
contact person
- March Route / Programming -
- Materials (literature,
poster, etc) - Benoit
- Outreach
- Jessica
- Media - Kevin
- Banners, placards props etc -
- Future Organizational Planning - Jessica
- Communicators for march -