A Christmas Tree Decorating Event
Monday, 23 December
7:30 A.M. - so that rush hour traffic can enjoy our efforts !
A special tree decorating party 
Outside the home of Prime Minister Jean Chretien
At 24 Sussex Drive
Join the Committee for Peace in Iraq to decorate a Peace Tree, to remind the Prime Minister, and passers-by, 
that Christmas is traditionally a season for peace, not preparing for war.  Everyone is invited to help decorate
and/or to make decorations.
Whether or not you can come, please make special decorations for the Peace Tree, under the theme of Peace in Iraq.  
Be creative and keep the message clear: no war on the Iraqi people; no war on Iraq!
Please avoid sharp objects that could be construed as a security risk.  You can place  your decorations in a box on 
the porch at 569 ˝ McLeod Street,  between Percy and Bronson, 1 Block South of Gladstone. 
Committee for Peace in Iraq (CPI)  -  ottawairaqaction@hotmail.com
Join the planning discussion at       -  http://www.topica.com/lists/cpi-org