Subject: Countering Bush's War Machine Operation Objection Wants You! Despite growing numbers Canadian and local civilian casualties in Afghanistan amid rising tuition fees, and in the midst of the SPP, the Canadian Forces is continuing with plans for dramatically increasing its military recruitment by the thousands across the country through “Operation Connection”. The SPP aims to further entrench Canadian military and security forces under US control, under the guise of "partnership". Operation Objection began in 2006 as a network to bring counter-recruiters from throughout Canada together to make our schools and communities free from military recruitment. There is widespread opposition to the war, yet there is an urgent need for tangible victories on the road towards bringing the troops home. Counter-recruitment is the vehicle that can get us down that road. Please join us the next Ottawa organizing meeting of Operation Objection, at the PSAC office on Wednesday, August 1. Operation Objection is beginning preparations for a pan-Canadian counter-recruitment conference this fall in Toronto, which will draw together students, peace activists, unions, military families opposed to the war, and more to share stories and strategies. Together, we can build the movement for war free schools and bring the troops home. ---- Not Your Soldier: Ottawa meeting for building a pan-Canadian counter military-recruitment movement. Wednesday, August 1, 2007 7:00pm J. K. Wylie Room, PSAC Building 233 Gilmore St. (at Elgin St), Ottawa, ON BRING YOUR FRIENDS! For more information: 613.859.6996 Education Not Occupation... End the Poverty Draft... Drop Fees, Not Bombs!