ACT for the Earth presents... ========================================= SYMMETRY OF RESISTANCE ========================================= 7PM, Wednesday, July 25, 2007 @ 233 Gilmore St. J. K. Wylie Room, PSAC Building Learn about, discuss, and get organized around: > THE CAIRO PEACE CONFERENCE > THE RECENT G8 PROTESTS IN GERMANY > GEORGE BUSH AND FELIPE CALDERON'S AUGUST 2007 VISIT TO CANADA ========================================= All this and more, at the premier screening of Symmetry of Resistance, a short ACT for the Earth film on the 2007 G8 protests, in Rostock, Germany. There will be a discussion and raffle following the film. FEATURED SPEAKERS: Christine Jones, videographer, Chair of ACT for the Earth, and Co-Chair of the Canadian Peace Alliance will discuss the protests held in Rostock, Germany against the recent meeting of the G8 leaders. Dylan Penner, film editor, and Executive Director of ACT for the Earth, will talk about his experiences at the 2007 Cairo peace conference and its implications for the global peace movement. FROM CAIRO TO ROSTOCK The Cairo peace conference has emerged in recent years in direct opposition to the policies of the G8 and their allies. The Conference brings together peace and democracy movements from throughout the middle east and around the world, with the dual purpose of opposing the wars and building democracy in the middle east. The G8 countries wield enormous power in world affairs. Among other things, they account for 80% of global arms exports and 43% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Their pursuit of wars for oil - and the resulting climate change - is widely opposed around the world. For these reasons, and many, many more, tens of thousands protest the presence of the annual meeting of the G8, wherever they go. Last month, the G8 met in Germany, ignoring the debacles of Iraq and Afghanistan, continuing to make poverty a reality, and pretending to take action on the climate crisis. Yet they claim to represent the people. GOT DEMOCRACY? Canadians, Americans, and Mexicans engaged in the struggle for real democracy, are preparing to converge on Ottawa and Montebello to protest George Bush, Felipe Calderon, Stephen Harper and the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (the SPP) this August. The SPP is being pushed forward in backroom meetings with no parliamentary debate and no mandate from the public. The SPP is a plan hatched by Canada's top CEOs and is going to accelerate the privatisation of our public services, commit us to the Bush administration's "War on Terror", among other exploitive, oppressive, nasty things. We invite you to join us on July 25 and beyond in building the Symmetry of Resistance to the these anti-democratic attacks on peace, ecology and human rights. (See for details) Proponents of the SPP aim to complete the agreement by 2010, when the G8 will be hosted by Canada. From August 20-21 the "three banditos" - Bush, Harper and Calderon - will meet in Montebello, creating a rare opportunity to stop the highly secretive SPP in its tracks. Are you ready to resist? Commemorating 25 years of ACT... ACT for the Earth was founded in 1982 as the Against Cruise Testing Coalition and later became known as ACT for Disarmament. Today ACT for the Earth continues to mobilize people and communities to take action for peace, ecology, and human rights. ACT is currently building campaigns to counter military recruitment, stop climate chaos and strengthen independent media. ACT for the Earth's publication, the ACTivist Magazine draws an online readership of 500,000 people to every year. For more information about ACT for the Earth's campaigns visit: ---