Wakefield BBQ for US War Resisters! (6:00pm, 25 ch. Suncrest, *This Saturday*, June 23)
A BBQ will be hosted for the War Resisters Support Campaign (www.resisters.ca)
at 25 ch. Suncrest at 6:00pm this Saturday, June 23. Folks are
invited to meet the two US Army members currently living in our area to
avoid serving in Iraq.
25 ch. Suncrest is just off Rockhurst Rd (off Hwy #105): map
Veggie and meat options will be available, potluck additions are
welcome. Campaign donations are also welcome. This is a
kid-friendly event, with plenty of space to play. Folks are also
encouraged to contact us regarding any volunteer or work opportunities
for resisters in the Ottawa-Gatineau area.
At about 8:00pm, the resisters will head down to the Black Sheep, where
they'll make a stage appearance with the Mighty Popo. Folks are
encouraged to head down for Popo's show (which begins at 9pm).
For more info, contact Joel at joel.harden
_at_ sympatico.ca, or 613-850-7123.